Power was out at several businesses along U.S. 1 in Aberdeen after a Dodge pick-up crashed through a power pole and into Mac’s Breakfast. The wreck happened Sunday around 7 p.m.
Authorities say the truck was traveling along North Poplar Street when the driver ran off the right side of the road, over a curb at the Quality Mart entrance, hit the power pole, and collided with the restaurant. It does not appear the driver ever applied the brakes, according to police.
Several transformers on the pole came crashing to the ground and burst into flames, causing a fence around dumpsters to also catch fire. A power line also fell into North Poplar Street, causing Aberdeen Police to close the road.

Aberdeen Police any there were three people in the truck at the time, and one of the occupants left the scene. Troopers with the N.C. State Highway Patrol arrested the occupant that ran from the scene at an AirBnB a little over a mile from the crash.
A back corner of Mac’s Breakfast was heavily damaged from the impact of the truck. The restaurant announced in a Facebook post that they would be closed on Monday, January 20.
Businesses in the area that lost power included the Quality Mart and Burger King.